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Our History

From Design To Product

The history of our company dates back to 1994.

Kabo started up as a consultancy firm in the biomedical industry to focus on designing medical devices and implementing Company Quality Systems. This relevant experience paved the way for our direct production of devices.

Along the years, Kabo’s range of products has constantly expanded, also benefiting from a continuous collaboration with the most important international companies in the industry.

Our Business

Kabo and the Biomedical Industry

Today Kabo operates in the biomedical sector mainly with self-produced bags for various uses,
made of different materials and sizes.

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Research and

We Invest in knowledge

Our devices are the result of large investments and solid partnerships with suppliers, aspects that are part of our success. Each new Kabo’s project is preceded by a detailed feasibility study and an accurate assessment of its profitability. All these factors allow us to create values for our costumers, along with a continuous implementation of knowledge (favoured by our collaboration with industry multinationals).


industry leading quality

Investing in quality, under every respect, is a guarantee for the best results.

Pay back of our investments is calculate before on quality and image of the product, than by the financial point of view. We think that good result arrive only from the mix between technology and human resources; Kabo has always invested in research, technology, production facilities and human resources.